Helping you to save your time
Training to help you be more productive and save you time
If I had a pound for every time, I had asked a business owner what their current challenge was, I would be a rich lady. Time is something you only get once; you need to protect it and make sure that any activity that you do in your time is the best use of it.
We understand there is lots to do in a busy business, that’s why everything we do is about saving you time. It’s a no brainer to be making the most of the time you have, right?
We know that this is a chicken and egg situation, you have no time to be able to save yourself time, though we guarantee looking at the following WILL save you time:
- Track your time
- Consider outsourcing
- Look at adopting tech
- Set deadlines
- Take a break
- Keep meetings to a minimum
- Give delegation a try
- Take control of your email
Our offer to you:
If you are struggling, we can offer:
- A 90 min session to help you understand where you can save time
- We were recently contacted by a client who was working evenings and weekends, they needed more time though just didn’t know where it was going to come from. We guaranteed them that we could help them claw time back and make them more money. The client was intrigued to see how we could do this for them. As we worked with the client, we continued to get the ‘I am too busy’ response. Though finally we assessed all of the tasks they were doing in a typical week and helped reallocate them. As a result, we saved them 7 hours and made them an extra £6K per year.
- External expertise to help to guide and support you
- You are an expert in your field, if you wanted your accounts creating you would go to an Accountant to ensure they were done correctly. It’s the same with business improvement.
- A fresh pair of eyes to identify further areas to streamline
- Our clients are too involved in their businesses to be able to see where improvements can be made. We bring that fresh pair of eyes to help identify opportunities.
- Help to trigger those lightbulb moments
- With a fresh pair of eyes, there are likely to be many business improvement opportunities.
Need some help?
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you and your business, call Wendy on 0844 995 9976 or complete the form for a call back: