End your sleepless nights by mapping your business processes

Training to help you create business process maps from start to finish

We speak to so many business owners who, when we ask about processes, they tell us they are all in their head. We understand though this is a massive risk to the business because if something happens to the owner, how will the business continue to operate?

We want to help owners map out their processes so that when they take time out, the business still runs. Who does not want to continue earning money without them needing to be there?

We understand mapping your business processes is quite daunting, in our experience here are the common thoughts and feelings we want you to overcome:

  • Where do I begin?
  • How much detail do I go into?
  • What if I miss something significant?
  • I do not have the process mapping tools or software
  • I do not have time
  • I do not know what I’m doing

Our offer to you:

If you are struggling, we can offer:

  • A 90 min session to map your process/es
    • We were recently contacted by a client who felt they had a silly question, asking us which processes they should map. No questions are ever silly as they aren’t the expert. We explained to think about where you start with your clients. It will probably be Marketing or Customer Acquisition, then what is next is maybe Proposals & Quotes. Its important to start at a high level and then map all the processes that sit underneath. With all processes in place your business will be slick and efficient. With this client reworking the process meant they could cut the number of team members by 50%.
  • External help to guide and support you
    • You are an expert in your field, if you wanted your accounts creating you would go to an Accountant to ensure they were done correctly. It is the same with process maps.
  • A fresh pair of eyes to identify further areas to streamline
    • Our clients are too involved in their businesses to be able to see where improvements can be made. We bring that fresh pair of eyes to help identify opportunities.
  • Help to trigger those lightbulb moments
    • With a fresh pair of eyes, there are likely to be many process improvement opportunities.

Need some help?

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you and your business, call Wendy on 0844 995 9976 or complete the form for a call back:

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