Make money by outsourcing to a virtual assistant (VA)

Training to help you make more money by outsourcing to a VA

We speak to many business owners who are juggling everything in their business on their own. We fully understand that its important as a business owner that you know how to do all the tasks in your business, though you don’t need to do them all the time.

We know why this happens; business owners believe it’s the cheapest option though we can guarantee you that this is not the case.

We know and understand that your business is your baby. You created and nurtured it and you are apprehensive about letting someone in and trusting them. Here are our thoughts on what you need to consider:

  • When is it time to outsource to a VA?
  • How do you find a VA you can trust?
  • Know what you are looking for
  • Put the word out
  • Consider your options

Our offer to you:

If you are struggling, we can offer:

  • A 90 min session to help you understand what you can be outsourcing to a virtual assistant
    • It’s such an important step when you decide you need someone to help you with your business. We are regularly contacted by potential clients who are trying to juggle the many tasks. Some tasks are regularly put to the bottom of the ‘To Do’ list and others we find there is no value in the business owner doing them, as they could be making more money doing something else. In these sessions we make you more money and save you time. Why would you not want to try it?
  • External expertise to help to guide and support you
    • You are an expert in your field, if you wanted your accounts creating you would go to an Accountant to ensure they were done correctly. It’s the same with outsourcing to a VA.
  • A fresh pair of eyes to identify further areas to streamline
    • Our clients are too involved in their businesses to be able to see where changes can be made. We bring that fresh pair of eyes to help identify opportunities.
  • Help to trigger those lightbulb moments
    • With a fresh pair of eyes, there are likely to be many opportunities that you haven’t even considered that could be added to your virtual assistant task list.

Need some help?

If you would like to find out more about how we can help you and your business, call Wendy on 0844 995 9976 or complete the form for a call back:

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